Fun Dse Formula Physics

Physics can be seen an extension and application of Mathematics with more tangible concepts tied in such as gravity and motion.
Dse formula physics. Physics Curriculum and Assessment Guide Secondary 4 - 6 Jointly prepared by the Curriculum Development Council and The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority Recommended for use in schools by the Education Bureau HKSARG 2007 with updates in November 2015 Contents Page Preamble i Acronym iii Chapter 1 Introduction. Hisher presentation of ideas in questions that require explanations eg. The formula sheet can be downloaded here.
If necessary take g 10 m s2. Appropriate diagrams and equations. Contain a list of data formulae and relationships which you may find useful.
Physics formula dse. Unless otherwise specified all the cells are assumed to have negligible internal resistance. 2A The linear magniication m15.
In an experiment on the photoelectric effect a beam of monochromatic light is directed onto a metal plate to liberate electrons. Section A 1 In a 400-metre run a runner takes 40 s to finish the first 200 m and another 32 s. Find the image distance from the intersection of the extended rays.
Paper 1 Q2bi and Q3bii demonstrates proficiency in the use of language and in putting forward points in a coherent manner. Terminology appropriate diagrams and equations. No extra time will be given to candidates for sticking on the barcode labels or filling in the question.
Paper contains a list of physics formulae which you may find useful. Hisher presentation of ideas in questions that require explanations eg. Section IV Electricity and Magnetism 431 ElectromagnetismMotor.